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3 Ways to Rock Out Hand To Toe Pose

3 Ways to Rock Out Hand To Toe Pose

Your challenge for the week? How to stand on one foot and lift the other leg up to your nose while you stand straight and tall.  Sound like a tall order? Come out and learn the variation of this challenging standing balance that suits your body perfectly.  ...
Boxes Are For Things Not People

Boxes Are For Things Not People

There is a wonderful verse of one of my favorite Sanskrit prayers that goes: “Asato ma sad gamaya. Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya. Mriyor ma amritam gamaya” This means: Lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light.Lead me from mortality to immortality....
For More Stability Act Like A Tree

For More Stability Act Like A Tree

This week we turn our asana focus to Tree Pose (Vriksasana). Ahh, the “mother” of all standing balances. Let’s face it standing on one foot is not easy task. It requires a lot of focus and strength in our feet, ankles and core. Come join me this week as we practice...