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Turn Upside Down To Remove More Toxins

Turn Upside Down To Remove More Toxins

This “baby” of the inversion family is an excellent way to drain the lymph fluids (Infection fighting fluids) of the body back down to areas they can be circulated OUT of the body. Thus helping us eliminate and detoxify  infection causing germs from the body. Added...
A Simple Detoxification Breath

A Simple Detoxification Breath

Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull shining breath) This simple pranayama (yogic breathing practice) is a great way to firm the deep low abs, stimulate the digestive system and rev up the metabolism, helping us detoxify! It can be done as a part of your regular asana...
Face Your Fears & Open Your Heart With Camel Pose

Face Your Fears & Open Your Heart With Camel Pose

You’ll feel like anything but a hunch back after practicing camel pose (ustrasana). This posture is a wonderful way to open up the chest, creating more space for you let oxygen into the lungs. Its excellent at correcting rounded shoulders and is a great way of...
Open hearted graceful Dancer….Pose!

Open hearted graceful Dancer….Pose!

There is nothing like the grace and poise of a dancer and this posture will help you explore all the graceful aspects of yourself. As a standing balance dancer (nataranjasana) will help you hone your balance, strengthening the muscles of your feet, toes and ankles....