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For More Stability Act Like A Tree

For More Stability Act Like A Tree

This week we turn our asana focus to Tree Pose (Vriksasana). Ahh, the “mother” of all standing balances. Let’s face it standing on one foot is not easy task. It requires a lot of focus and strength in our feet, ankles and core. Come join me this week as we practice...
Find A Less Sassy & More Comfort In Mountain Pose

Find A Less Sassy & More Comfort In Mountain Pose

Mountain pose is the basis of all standing postures. Why? Cause if you can figure out how to balance gracefully on two feet without feeling wobbly then you can move on to any standing balance there is. Join me this week as we learn how to find strength and stability...
How To Do A Sun Salutation That’s Perfect For YOU

How To Do A Sun Salutation That’s Perfect For YOU

The Sun Salutation is a series of postures that do a wonderful job of warming up the body and preparing it for more challenging poses. This week I’m breaking down the classic version of this series (which is a bit different from the Ashtanga based series we do in our...
Balance The Unbalanced With Half Moon Pose

Balance The Unbalanced With Half Moon Pose

I’m not entirely sure why they call this pose half moon (ardha chandrasana) but its one of my favorite standing balances. Not often practice in class this posture is a great way to strengthen your side waist, tone your core and strengthen the muscles in your feet and...
Build Strength and Stability With Warrior 2

Build Strength and Stability With Warrior 2

Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana II) is one of my favorite standing yoga postures to do. Why? Because it stretches one of the areas that I’m notoriously tight in, my inner thighs. In addition to it being a great adductor stretch warrior 2 also stretches the hip flexors and...