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prayer candleI’m convinced. Prayer is a practice that helps us see the world and the people in it “rightly”! Let me tell you why.

One evening, while doing the dishes, I found myself ruminating about an unpleasant conversation I had with my husband.

My mind started to go to those familiar thoughts. You know the ones.

How dare he say this to me? How dare he assume that of me? How dare he insult me like that?

Sound familiar?

But as my mind began to wander in the depths of negativity my prayer practice helped stop me in my tracks!

Many people (I use to be one of them) pray only when things are going bad or when they need help with something.

But in order for your relationships to get better or for your attitudes about Life and yourself to improve we have to embrace the idea that prayer IS a practice, not just some “thing” we do sometimes.

What do I mean by practice prayer?

It means I set aside a time everyday to pray. It doesn’t have to be formal. When I wake up I pray. Right before I go to bed I pray. And then throughout the day, when things challenge me I am practiced enough to remember to pray then.

Some say that you should pray for your enemies or for the people that hurt you most. I say pray for ALL the people in your life, ESPECIALLY those who are closest to you. (Those close ones tend to be the ones that hurt us most.)

Sure, when you pray you are sending blessings to others and that’s a good thing. But even more importantly your prayers remind YOU that that person who hurt you is just a person who also makes mistakes, just like you.

Your prayers remind you to give the benefit of the doubt and see the good in another.

So that evening as I washed the dishes, my prayer practice helped to bring me back to the Truth about my husband.

It reminded me that he was a good man. That he loved me and that he is kind and generous to me and others. That he (like all of us) has his own “issues” that he is working through.

And from that perspective, I could let go of my anger. I could allow forgiveness to enter. And I could go on to interact with him from a place of LOVE instead of fear.

Be Blessed Mamas