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When It Comes To Handstands, Walls Are Our Friends

When It Comes To Handstands, Walls Are Our Friends

Half Handstand (Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana) As a former gymnast I love being upside down and for me there is not better sense of this inverted feeling than being in a handstands. I know. Handstand can be difficult, scary even. However they are totally...
3 Modifications to do Shoulder Stand Safely

3 Modifications to do Shoulder Stand Safely

I’m over at YogiApproved giving the details of how to get into one of the most common inversions (shoulder stand) and how to modify it to do it safely!  Check out the video below and follow along. And head over the YogiApproved site to read the details in the...
Side Lunges for a More Open And Stable Pelvis

Side Lunges for a More Open And Stable Pelvis

So often the center lunge (anjaneyasana) gets all the yoga play! So today we’re focusing on all the side body benefits of side lunge (Skandasana). This lovely little postures, opens up the inner thighs, stretches the backs of the thighs and strengthens and...