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Sometimes I have these epiphanies and today I had one of those all so familiar “ah-ha” moments.

A while back in teacher training, as we were studying the portion on Ayurveda my teacher said something that has always stuck with me.

She said: “Yoga teaches us that, we are to make time for doing and time for not doing”.

Of course I was all into this concept for maybe a year after I finished teacher training, but then the busy-ness of life crept in and this practice fell by the wayside.

It wasn’t until this morning that this very idea came rushing back to me.

As I was sitting reading my book this morning in between “to-do’s”, I got this not as familiar feeling of “floating” through my day.

I use the term floating because as yoginis we know what that looks like on the mat – right?

When we watch an ashtanga yoga practitioner gracefully move from down dog to half forward fold in a way that seems completely effortless – THAT’S FLOATING.

It literally looks like they are floating on air. There is a spaciousness about the movement. Almost like it’s on slow motion and time is standing still.

And today, in my “off the mat time” I actually felt like I was floating through my day.

My life didn’t magically get easier. (Just like there is nothing easy about floating from down dog to forward fold). But I had finally planned in enough time between tasks that I felt an ease and grace in my “movement”.

I felt like I had more than enough time to do all the things I wanted to do, and therefore I felt like I was floating through my day.

So it seems my yoga teacher was right in her statement. When we make time to do things and time NOT to do them, then we do accomplish this sense of ease and grace that otherwise would turn into rushing and chaos.

If you’re feeling like you need a little more time freedom, how can you find more time to do AND not do the must-do’s of your life?

Could you use more peace, energy and focus?

Click below to get my FREE video and learn 3, yoga-based steps to helping you manage your mom life with more ease and joy!