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We Bend So We Don’t Break

We Bend So We Don’t Break

I really love those yoga t-shirts and memes that have this quote on them.  Most of my students come to class because they want to physically lengthen their muscles so that they have better range of motion and continue to move easily and effortlessly in their lives....
Family Wellness Online Book Party

Family Wellness Online Book Party

We wash their boo-boos to keep them well, feed them healthy food so they can thrive and sometimes do yoga with them! Why do we put so much effort into our children? Because we love them of course and want nothing but the BEST life has to offer them! And that love and...
How To Float Through The Day With Ease

How To Float Through The Day With Ease

Sometimes I have these epiphanies and today I had one of those all so familiar “ah-ha” moments. A while back in teacher training, as we were studying the portion on Ayurveda my teacher said something that has always stuck with me. She said: “Yoga teaches us that, we...
Why Do We Practice Yoga?

Why Do We Practice Yoga?

“When we do something several times it forms a habit. Continue with that habit for a long time and it becomes our character.” – Sri Swami Satchidananda This quote from Swami’s translation of the Yoga Sutras is the bottom line to why we practice yoga. Its no surprise...
Practice Is Accomplished In Stages

Practice Is Accomplished In Stages

Hi, my name is Keya and I am a recovering perfectionist. Are you one too? Up until very recently I truly believed that when I attempted to do something that I should be able to accomplish it in very short order. Yes, I love immediate gratification. Who doesn’t? It...