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Your Excuses ARE Your Enemy

Your Excuses ARE Your Enemy

I have politely excusing myself from my 5:30am asana practice lately as I began teaching more classes.  I tell myself that I’m going to record a class or two today so that will be my yoga session for myself.  Or I deserve to sleep in just 30 more minutes because I...
Let Nothing Disturb Your Peace

Let Nothing Disturb Your Peace

Okay girls. So this is the sutra that showed up in my flipping through the Yoga Sutras book this morning, so that’s what I’m going with. And it’s a DEEP one! Virama Pratyayabhyasa Purvah Samskaraseso Nyah = By the firmly convinced practices of the complete cessation...
How to Live a Balanced #MomLife

How to Live a Balanced #MomLife

I have this fear of doing.  Sure if you met me in the last four years you wouldn’t think this of me, because I’m always doing something.  Perhaps you would even think that I do too much and need to sit down and let someone else do. But my fear of doing has nothing to...
What To Do When Life Is Crazy & Uncertain

What To Do When Life Is Crazy & Uncertain

Sometimes (especially when you have a newborn in the house) your life feels like its been turned up-side-down. You don’t really know how you’re going to make it through the next 24 hours without going just a little bit crazy.. Heck you don’t even...