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In Yoga We’re All One – But So What?

In Yoga We’re All One – But So What?

I had a meeting with a very nice, inquisitive and religiously conservative woman not too long ago. We met to talk about me teaching yoga classes for her church organization. She had plenty of questions for me (which I welcomed) about what yoga is and is NOT. And how I...
Family Wellness Online Book Party

Family Wellness Online Book Party

We wash their boo-boos to keep them well, feed them healthy food so they can thrive and sometimes do yoga with them! Why do we put so much effort into our children? Because we love them of course and want nothing but the BEST life has to offer them! And that love and...
Face Your Fears & Open Your Heart With Camel Pose

Face Your Fears & Open Your Heart With Camel Pose

You’ll feel like anything but a hunch back after practicing camel pose (ustrasana). This posture is a wonderful way to open up the chest, creating more space for you let oxygen into the lungs. Its excellent at correcting rounded shoulders and is a great way of...