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Balance The Unbalanced With Half Moon Pose

Balance The Unbalanced With Half Moon Pose

I’m not entirely sure why they call this pose half moon (ardha chandrasana) but its one of my favorite standing balances. Not often practice in class this posture is a great way to strengthen your side waist, tone your core and strengthen the muscles in your feet and...
And This Too Shall Pass….

And This Too Shall Pass….

I can remember so clearly when my daughter (the middle born) was no more than a week old. It was 3am. The time of day I hated most when I had an infant, because I never knew when (or if) I was going to get any sleep that night. My husband and toddler were sleep. And...
Build Strength and Stability With Warrior 2

Build Strength and Stability With Warrior 2

Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana II) is one of my favorite standing yoga postures to do. Why? Because it stretches one of the areas that I’m notoriously tight in, my inner thighs. In addition to it being a great adductor stretch warrior 2 also stretches the hip flexors and...
Its ALL About The Practice

Its ALL About The Practice

I can’t tell you how many people in my many years of teaching yoga have told me: 1. I can’t do yoga because I’m not flexible enough. Or 2. I can’t do yoga because I’m not strong enough.  Or the big one (no pun intended) 3. I can’t do yoga because I’m not skinny...
Overcome “Computer Hunch” With Warrior 1

Overcome “Computer Hunch” With Warrior 1

Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana I) is a part of many yoga classes. And for good reason!  It strengthens the muscles of the feet, ankles and quadriceps. It’s a great way to stretch your hip flexors and calves. And its top notch in teaching us how to stabilize our pelvis to...